About Just Kosher

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Just kosher is a family business that was established in 2002 with its one single shop, and in late 2002 it doubled its size to two units. We were fortunate in 2003 to open our butcher shop in our third unit. But in 2006 we are not standing still: we have just opened our in house bakery, now we are also on your doorstep.

Just Kosher, as its name implies, is dedicated exclusively to supplying kosher food products from all four corners of the world you will have noticed that all products on this site inform you from where they are sourced.

Our range includes a wide range of groceries and frozen foods, an extensive variety of wines and spirits, and our in store bakery makes everything from challah to patisserie.Our in house butcher shop provides the highest quality fresh meat and poultry.We are your one stop shop for all your kosher food requirements.

Our objective is to give you, the customer, the comfort to sit in your home or office, day or night, and choose what you would like to purchase and when.

From our early beginnings Just Kosher has been dedicated to providing the finest and most friendly service to its customers.

Just Kosher is here to help you obtain the items you need for the right price with the service you expect, So enjoy your shopping experience!